Explanation of Terms


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    Assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, Primary Division

    All Students: Results are reported for all students in the grade.

    Fully Participating Students: Results are reported only for those students who took part in the assessment (excludes “no data” and “exempt” categories).

    Provincial Standard: The Ministry of Education has set Level 3 as the provincial standard.

    Level 4: The student has demonstrated the required knowledge and skills. Achievement surpasses the provincial standard.

    Level 3: The student has demonstrated most of the required knowledge and skills. Achievement is at the provincial standard.

    Level 2: The student has demonstrated some of the required knowledge and skills. Achievement approaches the provincial standard.

    Level 1: The student has demonstrated some of the required knowledge and skills in limited ways. Achievement falls much below the provincial standard.

    Below Level 1/Below L1: The student has not demonstrated sufficient achievement of curriculum expectations.

    No Data: Students who did not have a result due to absence or other reasons.

    Exempt: Students who were formally exempted from participation in one or more components of the assessment.

    Students with Special Education Needs (excluding gifted): Students who have been formally identified by an Identification, Placement and Review Committee, as well as students who have an Individual Education Plan. Students whose sole exceptionality is giftedness are not included.

    N/R: “Not reported” indicates that the number of students participating or responding to the Student Questionnaire is so small (fewer than 10 in a group) that identification of individual student results might be possible; therefore, results are not reported.

    N/D: “No data available” is used to indicate that there were no students in the grade or subject for the group or year specified.

    W: Results are being withheld by EQAO. For further information, please contact the school principal.

    Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics

    All Students: Results are reported for all students in the course.

    Fully Participating Students: Results are reported only for those students who took part in the assessment (excludes the “no data” category).

    Provincial Standard: The Ministry of Education, in The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Mathematics, has set Level 3 as the provincial standard.

    Level 4 (80–100%): The student has demonstrated a very high to outstanding level of achievement. Achievement is above the provincial standard.

    Level 3 (70–79%): The student has demonstrated a high level of achievement. Achievement is at the provincial standard.

    Level 2 (60–69%): The student has demonstrated some of the required knowledge and skills. Achievement is below, but approaching, the provincial standard.

    Level 1 (50–59%): The student has demonstrated a passable level of achievement. Achievement is below the provincial standard.

    Below Level 1/Below L1: The student has not demonstrated sufficient achievement of curriculum expectations (below 50%).

    No Data: Students who did not have a result due to absence or other reasons.

    Students Receiving Special Provisions: Students identified by the school as receiving special provisions. Detailed information about special provisions is available in EQAO’s User Guides for the Administration of the Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics.

    Students with Special Education Needs (excluding gifted): Students who have been formally identified by an Identification, Placement and Review Committee, as well as students who have an Individual Education Plan. Students whose sole identified exceptionality is giftedness are not included.

    Students Receiving One or More Accommodations: Students identified by the school as receiving accommodations. Detailed information about accommodations is available in User Guides for the Administration of the Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics.

    N/R: “Not reported” indicates that the number of students participating or responding to the Student Questionnaire is so small (fewer than 10 in a group) that identification of individual student results might be possible; therefore, results are not reported.

    N/D: “No data available” is used to indicate that there were no students in the course for the years specified.

    W: Results are being withheld by EQAO. For further information, please contact the school principal.

    Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test

    First-Time Eligible Students: First-time eligible students are working toward an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). These students are expected to write the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) for the first time in their second year of secondary school; this also applies to students who entered Grade 10 from out of province.

    Previously Eligible Students: “Previously eligible” includes all students who were absent or deferred; who provided insufficient evidence to determine an outcome; who were not yet successful during one or more previous administrations; who were previously exempted but are now working toward an OSSD; or who entered Grade 11 or 12 from out of province or enrolled in an adult education program and began Grade 9 in or after the 2000–2001 school year.

    All Eligible Students: This method of reporting provides percentages based on all students in the cohort who are working toward an OSSD. The only students excluded are those who are not working toward an OSSD (exempt students).

    Fully Participating Students: This method of reporting provides percentages based on students for whom there is work for both sessions of the administration of the OSSLT and who were assigned an achievement result (successful, not yet successful). Students who are not working toward an OSSD, those who provided insufficient evidence to determine an outcome, those who were absent and those who were deferred are excluded.

    Successful: Students who fully participated in the OSSLT and received a score that met the expected standard.

    Not Yet Successful: Students who fully participated in the OSSLT and received a score that did not meet the expected standard.

    Insufficient Evidence: Students who did not submit work for one session, due to absence or for other reasons.

    Absent: Students who did not submit work for both sessions, due to absence or for other reasons.

    Deferred: Students’ participation in the OSSLT can be deferred under several circumstances, as outlined in EQAO’s User Guides for the Administration of the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test. A student is categorized as deferred only if the school indicates a deferral. If a student completed any portion of the OSSLT, the student is not categorized as deferred.

    OSSLC: Students are placed in this category of reporting if the school indicated that the students would be fulfilling the literacy requirement through the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OSSLC). For details about the OSSLC, see the Ministry of Education Web site (www.edu.gov.on.ca). All students identified as planning to fulfill the literacy requirement through the OSSLC are reported as previously eligible students. If a student completed any portion of the OSSLT, the student is not categorized as OSSLC.

    Exempted: Students can be exempted from the OSSLT only if they are not working toward an OSSD. A student is categorized as exempted only if the school indicates that the student is exempted. If a student completed any portion of the OSSLT, the student is not categorized as exempted.

    English Language Learners Receiving Special Provisions: These are English language learners identified by the school as receiving special provisions. Detailed information about special provisions is available in EQAO’s User Guides for the Administration of the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test.

    Students with Special Education Needs (excluding gifted): Students who have been formally identified by an Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC), as well as students who have an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Students identified solely as gifted are not included.

    Students with Special Education Needs Receiving Accommodations (excluding gifted): These are students with special education needs identified by the school as receiving accommodations. Students identified solely as gifted are not included. Detailed information about accommodations is available in the Ministry of Education’s Ontario Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Program Requirements (2016) and EQAO’s User Guides for the Administration of the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test.

    N/R: “Not reported” indicates that the number of students participating or responding to the Student Questionnaire is so small (fewer than 10 in a group) that identification of individual student results might be possible; therefore results are not reported.

    N/D: “No data available” is used to indicate that there were no students in the group or year specified.

    W: Results are being withheld by EQAO. For further information, please contact the school principal.

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