Grade 3, Primary Division
Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics

The Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, Primary Division (Grades 1–3) tests the reading, writing and mathematics knowledge and skills students are expected to have learned by the end of Grade 3.
Administration Dates
Spring Administration
Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics
May 7, 2025
6:00 a.m. (ET)

June 11, 2025
6:00 p.m. (ET)
* Individual student results will be reported by the end of September 2025.
Administration User Guide, 2024–2025
This online user guide provides direction and information to teachers, school administrators and IT professionals at schools and boards who are involved in the administration of the Assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, Primary and Junior Divisions.
The user guide covers key topics for
Includes accessing accounts, managing classes, preparing students for assessment sessions, and administering sessions and stages.
School administrators
Includes accessing and navigating accounts as well as managing student lists, teacher accounts and upcoming assessment sessions at the school.
School board representatives and IT teams
Includes the technical readiness process, accessibility and accommodation options, bandwidth and connectivity requirements, security and domain allowed-list protocols as well as information on the configuration of devices.
*For technical support, please e-mail our technical support team at [email protected] or call 1-888-327-7377 (Ontario only) or 416-916-0708 (outside Ontario).
EQAO’s primary-division assessment covers student learning of the knowledge and skills that are defined in the expectations in The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1–8: Language (2023) and The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1–8: Mathematics (2020) up to the end of Grade 3. The Framework provides a detailed description of the assessment, including how the assessment is mapped to the Ontario language and mathematics curricula, the assessment process and design, and how the assessment is scored.
At a Glance
Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics
Grade 3
Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics
Grade 3
Resources for Teachers and Students
Released Questions
This resource is provided to support educators with the mathematics component of the EQAO Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, Primary Division. This publication includes the definitions of the categories of knowledge and skills as well as adapted assessment questions to serve as examples. Detailed information about each question, including the overall expectation and the category of knowledge and skills to which the question is mapped, are provided.
The 2024 released questions resource includes provincial data for each question. The data shows the percentage of students who selected each answer choice by level.
Released Questions, January 2025
Grade 3
Released Questions, November 2023
Grade 3
English–French and French–English Glossaries
The glossaries are intended for French Immersion students to use during the mathematics component of the assessment. However, the glossaries are available in the e-assessment platform for all students. Students can also have access to a hard copy of the glossaries. Both the English–French and French–English glossaries contain many common mathematical terms used in French and English on the assessment.
Primary-Division Mathematics
Grade 3
Glossaries: Large Print
Primary-Division Mathematics
Grade 3
What to Expect on the Assessment
This video will provide information on what students can expect when participating in the Assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, Primary Division and Junior Division.
View transcription.
Welcome. This video will provide information on what students can expect when participating in the EQAO Assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, Primary and Junior Divisions. These assessments are to be administered to students in Grade 3 and Grade 6 in Ontario schools in spring.
Students who attend publicly funded schools in person will complete the EQAO assessments during the regular school day. Schools have the flexibility to determine when assessment sessions will be scheduled within the administration dates set by the EQAO.
The primary- and junior-division assessments align with the expectations in The Ontario Curriculum and measure the reading, writing and mathematics skills students are expected to have learned by the end of Grade 3 for the primary-division assessment, and by the end of Grade 6 for the junior-division assessment.
Results from the EQAO assessments are used to inform improvement at the student, school, school board and provincial levels. They also help parents and guardians and educators to understand how students are doing in literacy and numeracy. The information helps policy-makers, researchers and other individuals invested in student learning in Ontario to determine how to support school improvement and student success.
Students will use an electronic device to complete the online assessment at school. For those who cannot complete the assessment online, an alternative version is available.
Each assessment has a language component consisting of different sessions, and a mathematics component consisting of different stages. Students complete a session or stage in one continuous sitting. These sessions or stages can be undertaken back-to-back with breaks in between or on different dates and times.
The language component consists of four sessions: two reading sessions, two writing sessions and a final reading or writing session. Each session is designed to be completed within approximately 35 minutes. The mathematics component contains a total of four stages. Each stage is designed to be completed in approximately 30 minutes.
During the assessment, students will be presented with visually engaging and age-appropriate content. Breathing exercises are included in the online platform. These are designed to help students stay calm and focused.
Each assessment contains a variety of question types, including single selection, multiple-selection, drag and drop, drop-down menu and checklist items. In the language component, students are also given open-response questions.
At the end of the assessment, students have the opportunity to complete a questionnaire that asks them about their attitudes and perceptions with respect to reading, writing, and mathematics and their learning environment, such as ability to work in groups and transferable skills .. EQAO will use questionnaire data to provide schools, school boards, teachers and parents and guardians with information on how students’ attitudes and perceptions, including growth mindset and access to technology are related to students’ mathematics and language achievement.
To help students familiarize themselves with the online platform, they will have the opportunity to participate in an introductory session in class with their teacher before completing the assessment.
The introductory session allows students to explore the built-in tools available to them during the assessment. For example, students can try out the highlighter and the eraser.
Other tools include a line reading tool, a built-in calculator in the mathematics component and the ability to make rough notes in the junior-division language component. The primary- and junior-division mathematics components each have French-English and English-French glossaries. Students completing the mathematics component of the junior-division assessment also have access to the EQAO Formula Sheet.
All students can use the built-in accessibility tools such as the zoom in and zoom out feature, a text-to-speech reader and a high-contrast view during the assessment.
Additionally, students will have access to both the language and mathematics components in the sample test during the introductory session. The sample test includes the various types of questions that will be on the actual assessment.
Here is a question from the Reading section of the language component of the primary-division sample test.
Anyone who would like to become familiar with the format of the primary- and junior-division assessments and the types of questions that they contain can find the sample tests on EQAO’s website.
Since EQAO assessments are aligned with The Ontario Curriculum, which is used for classroom instruction, students do not require additional preparation.
Framework documents for each assessment are available for review on EQAO’s website. Frameworks provide details on each assessment such as the curriculum expectations that are assessed and how the questions will be scored, and they include a sample Individual Student Report.
As EQAO seeks to continuously improve its programs, it engages students to ensure that their voices are being heard. The EQAO Student Engagement Committee (or ESEC) is a unique forum for students to share their ideas and experiences. ESEC is made up of students from all over Ontario and provides recommendations on how EQAO can improve its assessments and programs, and increase student engagement.
ESEC members have shared with EQAO that students are less likely to feel nervous when they have positive discussions about EQAO’s assessments before they complete the assessments. ESEC members have also indicated that students appreciate encouraging conversations about their ability to be successful on the assessments.
It is important for students to feel supported and hear that they are ready to take the assessments.
Individual student results are made available to schools in the fall of the following school year. Students will receive their Individual Student Report from their school to bring home.
EQAO uses the definitions from the Ontario Ministry of Education’s levels of achievement for how it reports achievement: Level 1 represents achievement that falls much below the provincial standard. Level 2 represents achievement that approaches the provincial standard. Level 3 represents achievement that meets the provincial standard. Level 4 identifies achievement that surpasses the provincial standard.
The provincial standard is not used to determine if a student passes or fails. The provincial standard is simply an established target that helps to determine if the student is prepared for work in subsequent grades. Results on the primary- and junior-division assessments are not included in grades that appear on report cards for students.
Alongside other assessment information, results from the Assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematics for Grade 3 and Grade 6 students provide valuable information to help understand your child’s educational journey better.
Please visit to learn more about the Education Quality and Accountability Office and the EQAO assessments in which Ontario students participate in elementary and secondary schools.
Sample Test
Familiarization with the Online Assessment
This sample test gives students the opportunity to become familiar with the online assessment and its platform. Students will be able to try out the various tools, including built-in text-to-speech audio, zoom in and zoom out, high contrast and the highlighter, in the e-assessment platform.
Various Question Types
This sample test also provides students with the opportunity to respond to the various types of questions, including drag-and-drop, drop-down menu and single- and multiple-selection questions, that may be included on the assessment.
Assessment Structure
The sample test consists of two sessions for the language component (which together contain a total of 10 or 11 questions) and two stages for the mathematics component (which together contain a total of 22 questions). At the end of each session or stage, students will be provided with a results page where they can view each question and see their answer and the correct response. This results page is not provided during the assessment.
Alternative Version of the Sample Test
These two formats of the alternative version of the sample test should be used for students who have special education needs or special circumstances and who require specific accommodations that are not compatible with the adaptive assessment. The alternative version of the sample test consists of two sessions for the language component (which together contain a total of 10 or 11 questions) and two stages for the mathematics component (which together contain a total of 22 questions).

Sample Test
Grade 3 students can become familiar with the digital assessment and its platform through our sample test.
Grade 3
Note: Revised 01.29.25

Sample Test
Alternative Version Including Audio with Full Descriptions of Mathematics Graphics
This format of the alternative version is for students with a visual impairment (including students who require the Braille format) and who require audio with full descriptions of all mathematics graphics.
Grade 3
Note: Revised 01.29.25

Sample Test
Alternative Version Including Audio Without Full Descriptions of Mathematics Graphics
This format of the alternative version is for students who are able to respond only to single-selection and open-response questions, or who require the printable PDF, and who do not require audio with full descriptions of all mathematics graphics.
Grade 3
Note: Revised 01.29.25
Live Webinars
EQAO Math Night for Parents and Guardians
Join us for a free live webinar where EQAO staff will discuss math questions that Ontario students encounter when they participate in Ontario’s large-scale assessments. These assessments are taken by all Ontario students in Grades 3, 6 and 9. During the webinar, EQAO staff will show how these math questions help assess the skills students are learning in their math classes. Staff will also share valuable insights from the past three years of assessment results, which can help parents and guardians support their children’s math learning.
Webinar for Elementary School Principals & Consultants: Accessing EQAO Data
EQAO is releasing 2023–2024 assessment and student survey data. In this training session, school board staff will learn how to access EQAO data reports that can inform school improvement planning. EQAO staff will highlight new data visualizations available this year and will also be available to answer your questions.
Webinar for Elementary & Secondary Mathematics Teams: Accessing EQAO Data
EQAO is releasing 2023–2024 assessment and student survey data. In this training session, school board staff will learn how to access EQAO mathematics data reports that can inform improvement planning and action plans. EQAO staff will be available to answer your questions.
Soirée mathématiques de l’OQRE pour parents et tutrices et tuteurs
Joignez-vous à nous pour un webinaire gratuit en direct au cours duquel le personnel de l’OQRE discutera des questions de mathématiques que les élèves de l’Ontario rencontrent lors de leur participation aux tests à grande échelle de l’Ontario. Ces tests sont effectués par tous les élèves de l’Ontario en 3e, 6e et 9e année. Au cours du webinaire, le personnel de l’OQRE démontrera la manière dont ces questions de mathématiques permettent d’évaluer les compétences acquises par les élèves dans leurs cours de mathématiques. Le personnel partagera également des informations précieuses tirées des résultats des trois dernières années de test, qui peuvent aider les parents et les tutrices et tuteurs à soutenir l’apprentissage des mathématiques de leurs enfants.
Webinaire pour les équipes de mathématiques de l’élémentaire et du secondaire : Accéder aux données de l’OQRE
L’OQRE publie les données des tests et des questionnaires à l’intention des élèves 2023-2024. Au cours de cette séance de formation, le personnel des conseils scolaires apprendra comment accéder aux rapports de données de l’OQRE sur les mathématiques, qui peuvent éclairer la planification de l’amélioration et les plans d’action. Le personnel de l’OQRE sera disponible pour répondre à vos questions.
More to explore

Infographics: Research
Grade 3 Infographic of the Provincial Results, 2023–2024
Students in English-Language Schools

Grade 3 Highlights of the Provincial Results, 2023–2024
Students in English-Language Schools

Research Brief
Planning for Mathematics Learning Renewal Amongst Ontario’s Elementary Students: Comparing Item-Level Student Performance Pre- and Post-Pandemic
How were Ontario students faring in their mathematics learning?

Infographics: Assessments
At a Glance: EQAO Frameworks
Check out this handy infographic, designed to give you key insights about the EQAO Frameworks.

Infographics: Assessments
Behind the Scenes of an EQAO Assessment: Questions, Questions, Questions!
Check out this handy infographic, designed to give you insights into how questions are created for an online EQAO assessment.

Infographics: Assessments
Understanding the provincial standard and the levels of achievement
EQAO’s assessments measure the literacy and mathematics skills that students are expected to have learned at specific times in their kindergarten to Grade 12 education.

Infographics: Tips
How Educators Can Use EQAO Data
Using multiple data sources allows teams to generate questions that promote evidence-informed analysis and decision making.
Answers to Our Most Frequently Asked Questions
What is the format of the Assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, Primary and Junior Divisions?
Each assessment has a language component consisting of four different sessions, and a mathematics component consisting of four different stages. Students complete a session or stage in one continuous sitting. These sessions or stages can be undertaken back to back with breaks in between or on different dates and times.
The language component consists of four sessions: two reading sessions and two writing sessions. Each session is designed to be completed within approximately 35 minutes.
The mathematics component contains a total of four stages. Each stage is designed to be completed within approximately 30 minutes.
More information on the test design can be found in the Frameworks.
How is the assessment scored?
Selected-response questions on the mathematics and the language components of the assessment are scored automatically (computer-scored), while open-response questions on the language component of the assessments are scored by qualified educators who are trained to follow the principles outlined on clear and consistent rubrics. Training for potential scorers of digital assessments follows strict procedures.
For more information on the Primary division (Grade 3) assessment’s scoring and rubrics, please refer to the Framework for the Primary division assessment.
For more information on the Junior division (Grade 6) assessment’s scoring and rubrics, please refer to the Framework for the Junior division assessment.
How is a student outcome determined?
A student’s outcome for each component—reading, writing and mathematics—is assigned using a statistical procedure that takes into account the student’s responses to all the operational questions on the assessment and the difficulty of each of these questions. This procedure, known as Item Response Theory (IRT), assumes a continuum of ability in knowledge and skills (as reflected by the achievement level 1 to 4), and locates the student’s outcome along that continuum.