As part of EQAO’s commitment to providing objective, reliable and useful data about student achievement, the agency has an active research program that undertakes a number of original projects.

EQAO Fall #DataInAction Symposium 2024
School board staff from across the province joined EQAO for its fourth #DataInAction symposium. Learn more in this summary, which discusses key trends in mathematics achievement, updates to the Grade 9 Individual Student Report and successful strategies to support student success.

EQAO #DataInAction Spring Symposium
On May 22, 2024, EQAO welcomed school board staff to its third #DataInAction symposium. EQAO presented research focused on students who achieved Level 2 on EQAO’s 2022–2023 Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics, as well as presentations from various school board teams.

Multilingual Student Achievement in Ontario’s English-Language Boards
Have you ever thought about how well multilingual students do in Ontario’s English-language boards? How do you think they do in reading, writing and mathematics? This research brief explores the academic achievement of multilingual students in Ontario’s English-language boards between the 2009– 2010 and 2018 – 2019 school years.

EQAO #DataInAction Symposium
On November 23, 2023, EQAO held its second virtual #DataInAction symposium for school board leads working in research and data analytics. Participants engaged in conversations dedicated to mathematics.

Planning for Mathematics Learning Renewal Amongst Ontario’s Elementary Students: Comparing Item-Level Student Performance Pre- and Post-Pandemic
How were Ontario students faring in their mathematics learning?

Student Achievement on the Mathematics Curriculum Strands: Results from the 2021–2022 Primary- and Junior-Division and Grade 9 Assessments
This EQAO study explores Ontario students’ achievement, particularly at Levels 2 and 3, on the mathematics curriculum strands as assessed by the mathematics components of the EQAO primary- and junior-division assessments and the Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics.

Reciprocal Relationship Between Math Self-Concept and Math Achievement Over Time
Did you know that how students perceive themselves as learners can have a profound impact on their academic journey? Academic self-concept refers to students’ subjective evaluation of their abilities in comparison to those of their peers and of their competence in various subjects. Research has consistently shown a strong connection between students’ academic self-concept and their academic achievement.

Student Achievement on Mathematics Categories of Knowledge and Skills, 2021–2022: Research Brief
In this research brief, EQAO takes a look at Grades 3, 6 and 9 Ontario students’ strengths and needs in mathematics, and how achievement on the curriculum categories of knowledge and skills relates to meeting the overall curriculum expectations.

EQAO’s Online Assessment Platform: Student Comfort, Achievement and Perceptions
How comfortable do students feel about EQAO assessments and the online assessment platform? Is there a connection between student comfort and student achievement? EQAO investigated these questions using the 2022–2023 EQAO assessment and student questionnaire data.

Student Achievement on Mathematics Categories of Knowledge and Skills: Results from the 2021–2022 Primary- and Junior-Division and Grade 9 Assessments
This EQAO study explores Ontario students’ achievement, particularly at Levels 2 and 3, on the mathematics categories of knowledge and skills as assessed by the mathematics components of the EQAO primary- and junior-division assessments and the Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics.

Student Achievement on Mathematics Curriculum Strands, 2021–2022: Research Brief
In this research brief, EQAO takes a look at Grades 3, 6 and 9 Ontario students’ strengths and needs in mathematics, and how achievement on the curriculum strands relates to meeting the overall curriculum expectations.

EQAO #DataInAction Symposium
On May 25 and 30, 2023, EQAO held its first virtual #DataInAction symposium for school board leads working in research, data analytics and planning. Participants engaged in conversations about their work with education data, including EQAO data.

Student Achievement on the Mathematics Curriculum Strands, 2021–2022: Implications for Instructional Planning
This document, based on the findings of EQAO’s study on student achievement on mathematics strands, provides information to educators on possible cross-strand connections and suggestions for implications for instruction that may impact planning. The research provides areas of focus within a grade or from grade to grade.

Math Superpowers
Is mathematics achievement all about the math, or can students advance their math achievement by empowering themselves as math students? EQAO research suggests that positive attitudes and strategies support success.

Multi-Stage Computer Adaptive Tests (msCATs)
Multi-stage computer adaptive tests (msCATs) present many benefits to students, parents and guardians, and educators.

A Close Look at Mathematics—Highlights
A Close Look at Mathematics is a series that focuses on EQAO data and research on mathematics with the intent of fostering discussions about student supports and strategies for mathematics learning at the classroom, school, board and provincial levels.

Literature Review: Leveraging Multi-Stage Computer Adaptive Testing for Large-Scale Assessments
EQAO is transforming Ontario’s approach to large-scale assessments.

A Close Look at Mathematics Series—Volume 1
This research volume provides an in-depth review and compilation of EQAO data and insights from 2011 to 2019, demonstrating the importance of examining learning contexts to gain a better understanding of mathematics achievement in Ontario.

What Engages Students, in Their Own Words
We can learn a lot about students and their perspectives by listening to their needs, wants and successes.

What Do You Want Next Year’s Teacher to Know About You?
EQAO asked students from across the province the question “What do you want next year’s teacher to know about you?” In the responses of 28 students, there is consensus on three key themes.
EQAO’s Research program
As part of EQAO’s commitment to providing objective, reliable and useful data about student achievement, the agency has an active research program that undertakes a number of original projects.