Live Webinars
Webinar for Elementary School Principals & Consultants: Accessing EQAO Data
EQAO is releasing 2023–2024 assessment and student survey data. In this training session, school board staff will learn how to access EQAO data reports that can inform school improvement planning. EQAO staff will highlight new data visualizations available this year and will also be available to answer your questions.
Webinar for Secondary School Principals & Consultants: Accessing EQAO Data
EQAO is releasing 2023–2024 assessment and student survey data. In this training session, school board staff will learn how to access EQAO data reports that can inform school improvement planning. EQAO staff will highlight new data visualizations available this year and will also be available to answer your questions.
Webinar for Elementary & Secondary Mathematics Teams: Accessing EQAO Data
EQAO is releasing 2023–2024 assessment and student survey data. In this training session, school board staff will learn how to access EQAO mathematics data reports that can inform improvement planning and action plans. EQAO staff will be available to answer your questions.