Ontario public school board and school employees
Access secure EQAO reports and data files for Ontario public school boards and schools.
Private and First Nations school employees
Access secure EQAO reports and data files for private and First Nations schools.
Ontario school board and school employees
Access Student Data Collection (SDC) and other EQAO systems for Ontario school boards and schools.
Ontario school administrators and teachers
Manage and administer an assessment using the e-assessment system.
Ontario educators and principals
Participate in EQAO scoring activities or assessment committees.
Students: Primary and Junior Divisions
Access resources and assessments for schools that are using direct access.
Students: Grade 9
Access resources. Assessments are not available through this login, except for students in schools using direct access and for students using alternative access (as they require specific accessibility software that is part of an accommodation).
Students: OSSLT
Access resources. Assessments are not available through this login, except those of students using the alternative access method (as they require specific accessibility software that is part of an accommodation).