Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test

The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) measures whether students are meeting the minimum standard for literacy across all subjects up to the end of Grade 9. Successful completion of the literacy test is one of the requirements to earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
Administration Dates
Fall Administration
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)
November 5, 2024
6:00 a.m. (ET)

December 3, 2024
6:00 p.m. (ET)
*Individual student results reported on or by the end of January 2025.
Spring Administration
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)
March 18, 2025
6:00 a.m. (ET)

April 15, 2025
6:00 p.m. (ET)
*Individual student results reported on or by the end of May 2025.
Administration User Guide, 2024–2025
This user guide provides direction and information to school administrators, teachers and IT professionals at schools and boards who are involved in the administration of the OSSLT.
Topics covered by the user guide include the following:
Includes accessing and navigating accounts, managing classrooms, preparing students for the assessment and administering the assessment sessions.
School administrators
Includes accessing and navigating accounts, managing student lists and teacher accounts, overseeing assessment sessions and functioning as a primary point of contact for teachers.
School board representatives and IT teams
Includes navigating the general technical readiness process, preparing for the accessibility and accommodations options, understanding bandwidth and connectivity requirements, managing security and domain allowed-list protocols and configuring devices.
*For technical support, please e-mail our technical support team at [email protected] or call 1-888-327-7377 (Ontario only) or 416-916-0708 (outside Ontario).
The Framework provides a detailed description of EQAO’s OSSLT (including how the test is grounded in the Ontario Curriculum’s expectations for literacy skills for all subjects up to the end of Grade 9) as well as sample student reports.
At a Glance
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)
What to expect on the OSSLT
This video will provide information on what students can expect when participating in the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT).
View transcription.
Welcome. This video will provide information on what students can expect when participating in the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT).
The results of all EQAO assessments provide valuable information about Ontario’s education system at the school, school board and provincial levels.
The outcomes also help parents and guardians and educators understand how students are doing in literacy and math.
The information helps policy-makers, researchers and others to support continuous improvement in the school system.
The OSSLT assesses literacy only and will be administered at schools in the fall, and again in the spring. The test is scheduled to take place during the regular school day. Schools have the flexibility to determine when test sessions will be scheduled within the administration periods set by EQAO.
The test is grounded in the Ontario Curriculum expectations for all subjects that address reading and writing skills up to the end of Grade 9. Students can take the test starting in Grade 10.
Successfully completing the OSSLT, or completing the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (known as the OSSLC), is a graduation requirement as established by the government.
For most students, this means successfully completing the OSSLT.
The test is offered online. Students are required to use a digital device to complete the test in person at their school. Accommodations are available based on student need.
The OSSLT includes two sessions—Session A and Session B. Session A is designed to be completed in approximately 65 minutes, and Session B in approximately 75 minutes.
At the end of the two test sessions, students complete a voluntary questionnaire that asks them about their attitudes and perceptions with respect to literacy.
The test is made up of various reading and writing selected-response and open-response questions. There are four different types of reading selections: real-life narrative, information paragraph, news report and dialogue.
There are a variety of question types, such as single-selection, multiple-selection, drag and drop, drop-down menu and checklist questions. Students are also presented with opportunities to write longer answers to open-response questions.
Each student’s outcome is determined by their answers to the selected-response questions and by the scores achieved on the open-response questions.
Prior to writing the OSSLT, students can become familiar with the test by taking the practice test on the EQAO website. Teachers can also organize a practice session in class. This will help familiarize them with the online assessment platform.
Students can try out the built-in tools that will be available during the online test. For example, students can try the highlighter and the eraser. There is also a line reader, a tool for underlining text and a tool for keeping rough notes.
All students can use the test’s built-in tools, such as the zoom-in and zoom-out features, a text-to-speech reader and a high-contrast view.
Before writing the test, students also have access to a minds-on activity, reminders of test-taking strategies, and relaxation and visualization activities to help them stay calm and focused.
Anyone who would like to become familiar with the format of the OSSLT, and the types of questions that will be asked, can refer to the practice test on EQAO’s website.
The OSSLT does not require additional preparation, as it is aligned with The Ontario Curriculum, which is used for classroom instruction.
You can find, on our website, the OSSLT framework document, which explains what is assessed on the OSSLT and how the test questions are scored.
Individual Student Reports are made available to schools following the scoring. Students will receive a report from their school to bring home.
The Individual Student Report provides the outcome for each student who completed the test. This information enables students, parents and guardians and teachers to plan for improvement. Please visit www.eqao.com to learn more about the Education Quality and Accountability Office.
Practice Test
Students can become familiar with the online test and its platform through EQAO’s online practice test. The online practice test comprises two sessions that are equivalent to the two sessions students will be completing during the live test. In addition, the practice test includes an introductory session that allows students to become familiar with the new online platform’s tools and functions.

Live Webinars
Webinar for Principals: Administering the OSSLT
In this live webinar, you will learn the details of administering the OSSLT using the e-assessment system. The session is approximately 45 minutes, followed by a live Q&A with EQAO staff.
Webinar for Teachers: Administering the OSSLT
In this webinar, teachers will learn the details of administering the OSSLT using the e-assessment system. The session is approximately 45 minutes, followed by a live Q&A with EQAO staff.
EQAO Webinar for Parents and Guardians: What to Expect on the OSSLT
Register for this free live webinar and learn about the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test. Participants will learn about the purpose of Ontario’s large-scale assessments. EQAO staff will explain the assessment format, highlight resources to support students, and answer questions from participants. The session is approximately 45 minutes, followed by a live Q&A with EQAO staff.
Webinar for Secondary School Principals & Consultants: Accessing EQAO Data
EQAO is releasing 2023–2024 assessment and student survey data. In this training session, school board staff will learn how to access EQAO data reports that can inform school improvement planning. EQAO staff will highlight new data visualizations available this year and will also be available to answer your questions.
Webinaire pour le personnel enseignant : Administrer le TPCL
Inscrivez-vous à ces webinaires en direct et découvrez les détails de l’administration du Test provincial de compétences linguistiques (TPCL) informatisé. Les séances durent environ 45 minutes et sont suivies d’une séance de questions et réponses en direct avec le personnel de l’OQRE.
Webinaire de l’OQRE pour les parents et les tutrices et tuteurs : Ce à quoi vous devez vous attendre au TPCL
Inscrivez-vous à ce webinaire gratuit en direct et apprenez-en davantage sur le Test provincial de compétences linguistiques. Les participantes et participants découvriront l’objectif des tests à grande échelle de l’Ontario. Le personnel de l’OQRE expliquera le format du test, présentera des ressources pour soutenir les élèves et répondra aux questions des participantes et participants. La séance durera environ 45 minutes et sera suivie d’une séance de questions et réponses en direct avec le personnel de l’OQRE.
Webinaire pour les directions d’école et les conseillères et conseillers pédagogiques du palier secondaire : Accéder aux données de l’OQRE
L’OQRE publie les données des tests et des questionnaires à l’intention des élèves 2023-2024. Au cours de cette séance de formation, le personnel des conseils scolaires apprendra comment accéder aux rapports de données de l’OQRE sur les mathématiques, qui peuvent éclairer la planification de l’amélioration et les plans d’action. Le personnel de l’OQRE sera disponible pour répondre à vos questions.
Webinaire pour les directions d’école : Administrer le TPCL
Inscrivez-vous à ces webinaires en direct et découvrez les détails de l’administration du Test provincial de compétences linguistiques (TPCL) informatisé. Les séances durent environ 45 minutes et sont suivies d’une séance de questions et réponses en direct avec le personnel de l’OQRE.
More to explore

Infographics: Assessments
Handy Guide to Items Permitted for the OSSLT
Are you about to complete the OSSLT? Here’s a list of common items you can use in addition to the supports and tools built in to our e-assessment platform.

Infographics: Research
OSSLT Infographic of the Provincial Results, 2023–2024
Students in English-Language Schools

OSSLT Highlights of the Provincial Results, 2023–2024
Students in English-Language Schools

Infographics: Assessments
At a Glance: EQAO Frameworks
Check out this handy infographic, designed to give you key insights about the EQAO Frameworks.

Infographics: Assessments
Behind the Scenes of an EQAO Assessment: Questions, Questions, Questions!
Check out this handy infographic, designed to give you insights into how questions are created for an online EQAO assessment.

Infographics: Assessments
Understanding the provincial standard and the levels of achievement
EQAO’s assessments measure the literacy and mathematics skills that students are expected to have learned at specific times in their kindergarten to Grade 12 education.

Infographics: Tips
How Educators Can Use EQAO Data
Using multiple data sources allows teams to generate questions that promote evidence-informed analysis and decision making.
Answers to our most frequently asked questions
Who should write the OSSLT?
Students working toward an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) are expected to write the OSSLT for the first time in their second year of secondary school; this also applies to students who entered Grade 10 from out of province, unless a deferral is granted by the principal.
As per direction from the Ministry of Education in June 2024, all students will continue to need to meet the secondary school literacy graduation requirement to earn an OSSD. As of the 2024–2025 school year, however, the eligibility criteria to access the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OSSLC) will once again follow the policy outlined on page 64 of Ontario Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Program Requirements, 2024.
If a student has had two opportunities to take the OSSLT and has been unsuccessful at least once, the student is eligible to enroll in the OSSLC. Principals have the discretion to allow a student to enroll in the OSSLC before they have had a second opportunity to take the OSSLT if the principal determines that it is in the best interest of the student. Mature students may enroll directly in the OSSLC.
What is the format of the OSSLT?
The OSSLT is a computer-based assessment using a linear test design model comprising two sessions totalling 37 questions (35 selected-response questions and two written open-response questions). More information on the test design can be found in the Framework.
The assessment consists of two sessions. Both sessions (Session A and Session B) can be completed one after the other, either back to back with a break in between, or on two different dates and times. Schools consider the needs of the students and operational needs of the school to determine the schedule for writing each session in one continuous, supervised sitting.
How is a student outcome determined?
A student’s outcome is assigned using a statistical procedure that takes into account the student’s responses to the questions on the assessment and the characteristics, such as difficulty, of each question. This procedure, known as Item Response Theory (IRT), assumes a continuum of literacy ability and locates the student’s outcome along that continuum, according to their responses to the questions on the OSSLT. The placement along the continuum is represented by a scale score between 200 and 400, with a minimum of 300 required for a successful outcome. Each score represents a position along the continuum of student achievement rather than the number of points out of 400.